Oil production involves several operations that generate environmental impact.   One of them  is  the  necessary  separation, before marketing, of the water that comes associated to the oil. Volume and composition of production water depend  specifically on  the  reservoir from  which   it  comes.   Traditionally, API

separators and corrugated plates are used to carry out the treatment; nevertheless , dissolved air flotation (DAF) technolo­gy offers an alternative to improve the efficiency of separation and optimize the process. In this study a pilot DAF system for the treatment of oily water with high concentrations of hydro­ carbons and suspended solids was evaluated. Tests were per­ formed  with  the  addition  of chemical  coagulation  agents and changing the operating conditions: pressures of 207, 276 and 345kPa, and 30, 40 and 50% recycling of pressurized water. The effluent was characterized at the beginning and at  the end of the flotation process by measuring pH, chlorides, alkalinity, turbidity, solids suspended , oils and fats, so as to establish wa­ter conditions. Based on the results , a flocculent coagulating cationic agent of high molecular weight (FCAPM) was select­ed, with optimal dose of 3.59mg·f-l. DAF best operating condi­tions were established as 276kPa of pressure and 40% recy­cling, with removal of 90% of oils and fats, 72% Cl(suspended solids and 70% clarification of the effluent.

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